Q: When does the School Board meet?

A: The School Board holds meetings every other Tuesday. In addition, Budget and Property will meet once or twice a month based on need, and the other Board committees will meet when there is a need for a special meetings or held on an ad-hoc basis.

Q: What happens in subcommittee meetings?

A: Subcommittees perform an advisory role to the full board. Much of the interesting discussion on topics occurs at subcommittee meetings. You could think of subcommittees as the research arm of the Board.

Q: How can I find out what is going to be discussed at upcoming meetings?

A: The School Board posts agendas at the SAU office. When you sign up to the School Board’s mail list, you will receive agendas via email.

Q: What is the make-up of the ConVal School Board?

A: The School Board is composed of members representing the 9 ConVal towns: one member each representing Bennington, Dublin, Francestown, Greenfield, Hancock, Sharon, and Temple; 2 members for Antrim; and 4 members for Peterborough. Antrim and Peterborough have greater representation according to their greater population.

Q: How do you get something on the agenda?

A: Contact the School Board Chairperson.

Q: Where are the policies found?

A: Click here to go to the District Policies